Tamara's Sugar Paste

Tamara's Sugar Paste
Tamara's Hair Removal Sugar Paste

Friday, August 15, 2014

Made In USA Photo Contest

Images. Photos. Pictures. Portraits.

These visual gems help us relate to our world in such an intimate way. At Tamara’s Professional Body Sugaring™, we love seeing the photographs that people post on social media. We delight in the ease with which we all can share via Instagram, too.

We also adore anything and everything Made In  USA. We’re very proud of the fact that we can say that our Body Sugar is Made In USA. In fact, most of our product line is Made In USA, manufactured on site in the Cascade Foothills of Washington State. Why is that important to us? Because just like shopping local is good for your local economy and stimulates its community, Made In USA stimulates a healthy national economy and strengthens our communities at large. It also fosters better safety regulations and more focus on environmental stewardship than many other places in the world. Last, but not least it provides more jobs.

Lastly, we love to share our love of professional body sugaring and all the positive things that comes from feeling beautiful in a healthy way.

Given all these things, we decided to run a special Made In USA photo contest for the next couple of weeks leading up and ending on Labor Day – our nation’s holiday to honor the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the United States of America.

We want you to post any or all of your favorite Tamara’s Professional Body Sugaring™ products in your most “American” scene. Give us your version of Americana alongside America’s Sweetest Choice in Body Sugar. When you’ve got the photo you want to enter, post it on your favorite social platform, tag “tamarassugar” and then include the hashtag:  #TPBSMadeInUSA

After Labor Day we’ll decide our three favorite entries. The winning entries – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, will receive ္free Tamara’s Professional Body Sugaring™ products. First prize will win a full case of sugar; second place will receive a half-case of sugar, and third place will receive two products of their choice from our line. All Free! Just for posting a photo of Tamara’s Sugar™ products in your favorite Americana, Made In USA, red, white, and blue scene!

So get snapping! Post or any or all social media platforms . Tag “tamarassugar.” Use the hashtag #TPBSMadeInUSA We’re hoping to see lots and lots of photos on our feed from all over the states!

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